May 22, 2010 Forum: Totally Yours: Walking in the Footsteps of Pope! John Paul II
Sponsored by the California Catholic Women's Forum,, part of the series Mulieris Dignitatem, on the Dignity and Vocation of Women
"The holy Father found the purest refection of God's mercy in the Mother of God. He, who at an early age had lost his own mother, loved his divine Mother all the more. He heard the words of the crucified Lord as addressed to him personally: 'Behold your Mother'. And so he did: he took her into his own home. Totus Tuus." - Pope Benedict XVI
This Forum will focus on the relationship of Mary to the world, as evidenced by one of her greatest proponents in the modern era, Pope John Paul II. This will include survey of his life with discussion of the influence Mary had in his world view on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of his death. Visit for information on this and the upcoming play, LOLEK, on the life of the young Karol Woytyla, future Pope John Paul II.
CCWF is highlighted in an article on the New Feminism in the Aug. 7 issue of Our Sunday Visitor.
CCWF is cited as a group representing the West and as a "model of grassroots new feminism". You can find the article at:
* The Gail Buckley talk from the Women of the Bible: Trailblazers for Life forum is now available on CD and DVD for our financial supporters.
Please check the website at Ask for a copy as well any of the other cds and dvds we have available when you support CCWF with your fully tax-deductible donation to support CCWF and our mission!. See
Please support these other local organizations. We will be posting events on our blog and periodically sending you an e-newsletter like this, to keep you up to date on the happenings in the Bay Area from our perspective.
Saturday, September 12, 2009 Presented by Cathy McConn, Founder of the Gabriel Project in Houston, who will train us in every aspect of this important ministry & instruct us on how to best implement it in our parishes based on her vast experience.
Please join us at the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption, 1111 Gough Street at Geary - San Francisco St. Francis Hall Continental Breakfast at 8:30 AM - Program Starts at 9:30 AM Buffet Lunch at 11:45 AM - Program Concludes at 2:30 COST $20 (Scholarships Available) RSVP BY SEPTEMBER 8TH, CONTACT VICKI EVANS, SAN FRANCISCO ARCHDIOCESAN RESPECT LIFE PROGRAM AT 415-614-5533 OR
2. "I STILL HAVEN'T FOUND WHAT I'M LOOKING FOR" Father Robert Barron , Francis Cardinal George Professor of Faith & Culture at University of St. Mary of the Lake – MUNDELEIN seminary.
Thursday, 7:00 pm, September 24, 2009 St. Dominic Catholic Church 2390 Bush St. San Francisco, CA 94115-6119 Co-sponsored by the California Catholic Women's Forum
Why did great athletes like A-Rod and Barry Bonds abuse steroids at the height of their careers? Why do so many people think prescription drugs and botox will bring happiness? Hear how young people and adults alike look for meaning in all the wrong places.
Admission is free and open to all high school students, young adults and adults. Father Barron's appearances have been approved by Archbishop George Niederauer. Questions: Marin call Shawn Sylvia (415) 272-3667, SF call Marjorie Campbell (415) 308-1691
Sacred Heart Church in Saratoga. September 12, 2009
Jesse loves to encourage men in their faith! So, don't miss it. Sign up now! Pre-registration is required and the registration deadline is fast approaching. The $20 registration fee includes lunch. October 10, Father Anthony Hernandez will speak on "The Priest and the Layman - Complementary Vocations." If you're a woman who received this, it's because there might be men in your life who would be interested in attending. For more information on Catholic Men's Fellowship, go to
4. 40 Days for Life
Our kickoff event for the Fall 40 Days for Life Campaign will be on Saturday, September 19th at 7pm at Our Lady of Peace Family Learning Center, 2800 Mission College, Road, Santa Clara, CA. Please bring an appetizer, main dish or appetizer to share with others. We will provide the drinks. We are happy to have Ana Banderas from LiveAction, San Jose as our guest speaker. We'll also have prayer books, signs and other supplies available for you to take home to use for the Campaign. Bring your family and friends with you and have a good time with fellow pro lifers!
5. Natural Family Planning Teacher Training Seminar:
For all those interested in Natural Family Planning, which is so excellent, we have an extraordinary opportunity to be trained as teachers in the Billings Ovulation Method. The seminar will be held in Burlingame at the end of October/beginning of November - a 3 1/2 day course. Applications need to be submitted by September 30. (Please see and print out attached flyer for further information). There is a huge need for teachers of NFP, so please give this information to anyone who you think might possibly be interested. And please consider being trained yourself.
6. An Evening with G.K. Chesterton September 26, 2009
Register now for this exciting event! G.K. Chesterton (played by renowned impersonator Dr. Chuck Chalberg) is returning to St. Margaret Mary's Church in Oakland! He will offer his unique views on everything from the virtues of things local, whether they be families or pubs, to the evils of centralizing, compliance-demanding schemes , whether they be imperialist expansions or socialist states.
A man of paradox and humor, Chesterton will surprise, confound, and provoke you. What might the Englishman who helped deliver his fellow countryman C.S. Lewis to Christianity have in store for you on the evening of September 26th?
Join the St. Anthony of Padua Institute for a dinner of hearty Northern Californian fare (that would have sated the great Chesterton himself), followed by a performance by Dr. John Chuck Chalberg as G. K. Chesterton. Click here for more information >>
7. Biennial & Healing English/Spanish bilingual Mass, Liturgy in Memory of Babies and Young Children.
September 19, Holy Cross Cemetery, Colma, CA, 11:00 am. Bishop William Justice and other priests will concelebrate. To those who have lost babies and young children from any cause, before, during or after birth, recently or in the past. Additional information: 415-614-5572 or Project Rachel at 415-717-6428.
8. The Creighton Model Fertility Care System Practitioner Education Program
Commences this November with Education Phase I, November 7-14, 2009. Education Phase II May 24-29, 2010. Offered by Fertility Care Services Limited.
Class located at the St. Anthony Retreat Center, 43816 Sierra Drive, Three Rivers, CA 93271. Faculty includes Dr. Lynn Kerr, MD, CNFPMC; Margaret P. Howard, MAM, CFCE; Patricia Poindexter, RN, CFCE. Cost: $2525.00 plus text and $25 fee, for 13 mo. tuition. For information and to register, call, Margaret howard, 402-991-3145,
9. Quo Vadis Theatre's "Margaret of Castello"
Plays at the Hoover Theatre (1635 Park Ave, San Jose) on Oct. 8,9,10, 16, 17 at 8pm and on Oct. 11, 18 at 2pm. Tickets are $15 regular; $10 students/seniors. Group rates available. For reservations/more info, please call 408-252-3530.
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